The Yanks are making waves again this week with a proposed 5 year 85 mil offer to often injured seldom on the mound A.J. Burnett. While the Braves are said to be in the hunt for A.J. as well I'm glad the Sox are going to sit out on this one. The guys only started more than 30 games twice in his career and his elbow has been banged up more over his career than Jenna Jameson. Last year was the first time he had won more than 12 games in a season. Not that money is the issue here, but what kind of investment is this guy. To me it seems like he pitches out of his mind in contract years and is dinged up the rest of the time while he's collecting checks and having his wife take limos from Baltimore to Toronto. Now adding Burnett make the Yankees a force to be reckoned with, don't get me wrong, but how does this help them get over their playoff hump. Neither guy really scares me in a 7 game series. I'll take Beckett and Lester or Dice K over these pretenders any day.
While the Yanks clean up the underachieving, tommy john surgery having, pre-madonna pitchers the Sox will have to settle for a stud first baseman with Triple Crown potential and a gold glove. Ho Hum! My only wonder now is if Pedro will come back where he belongs.